Seborrheic Dermatitis Treatment


Seborrheic  Dermatitis Treatment

Dexpanthenol Scalp Therapy - This formula contains 12% Dexpanthenol as its major ingredient, and acts as a cleanser of the scalp and hair follicles. Specially designed to treat seborrheic dermatitis and excess secretion of the sebaceous glands, it may eliminate the need for strong prescription drugs such as cortisone lotions or at least aid in the process.

There are four major ways that Dexpanthenol helps you keep your hair.

  1. B vitamins - with strong concentration of B vitamins particularly B 5. Dexpanthenol gives your hair the B 5 it needs. B 5 is important for the strength of your hair.
  2. Dissolve Sebum -Dexpanthenol dissolves sebum, flaks (dandruff). Excess sebum can cause hair to die or break prematurely. In many cases clients who have been harsh dandruff shampoos that harm their while trying to get rid of dandruff, can now completely stop using dandruff shampoo.
  3. Dexpanthenol - has been shown to increase the permeability of the stratum correum outer layer, thus facilitating in exchange of gases and liquids across the outer barrier of the scalp.
  4. Makes Minoxidil work better. - Through cleaning of the scalp of sebum, and increasing the permeability, Dexpanthenol paves the way for better permeability of Minoxidil. It just makes sense, if sebum is blocking the Minoxidil from getting into the hair follicle to do its work, it can't work.

Co-Enzyme – This highly concentrated preparation for home treatments contains biotin, Dexpanthenol, two vitamins, cysteine, cystine, methionine, and amino acids which are found in the hair shaft. It is believed to stimulate production of protein at the follicle level, reduce activity of the sebaceous glands and neutralize the activity of Alpha-Reductase (the enzyme responsible for the transformation of testosterone into dyhydrotosterone or DHT).


Dexpanthenol can help sooth and heal a dry and itchy scalp, often stopping the intense itching within 72 hours. It should be used twice daily. Once daily, 5 minutes before shampooing your hair, and again before bedtime. It does not need to be shampooed or rinsed out after the second application. It should be massaged in gently following each application.


Coenzyme can relive dry scalp and help strengthen the hair in the affected areas. It is applied once daily at bedtime to a dry scalp, massaged in gently, and then left on overnight.


Seborrheic Dermatitis is a common skin disorder. The cause is unknown but it may be triggered by stress, a bacterial or fungal infection, seasonal factors, or illness. You should be seen by a dermatologist. We recommend these products not as a cure but to relieve the symptoms associated with this condition.